The Administrators Portal is a powerful tool to run your company's community impact program. Administrators that have access to this portal may have a wide variety of roles in their organization and require different levels of access.
When adding an administrator (admin) to the Groundswell portal, you will be able to configure which parts of the product they have access to (think of it like an on/off switch).
Note: Groundswell isn't an inherently sensitive product, but the areas of the product that enable money movement or access employee data should be limited to those who require access to manage your programs.
You can set permissions for your Groundswell admins by doing the following:
Step 1: Login to your Groundswell Admin Account
Step 2: Head to Settings
Step 3: Under the “Admins” section you will click “Create admin”
Step 4: Complete the following prompts
Step 4a: Below are the list of access controls you can assign admins in Groundswell:
- Make this person an owner Toggle this switch to grant the user owner-level permissions. Owners have full administrative rights and can manage all aspects of the system, including adding or removing other administrators, changing system settings, and accessing all data.
- Dashboard
- View Account Balance - This permission allows the user to view the current account balance on the dashboard. It's a read-only access that enables monitoring of financial status.
- Download Employee Reports (CSV) - Grants the user the ability to download reports related to employees in CSV format. This is useful for data analysis and record-keeping.
- Employees
- View Employee Section - Provides access to the employee section of the system, where the user can see a list of all employees.
- View Employee Details - Allows the user to view detailed information about each employee, such as personal details, contribution and match history, and contact information.
- Upload Employee(s) - Grants permission to upload new employee data into the system, which includes adding new employees or updating existing employee records.
- Matches
- All Sections - Enables the user to access all subsections related to Match Programs. Activating this will automatically grant access to "View Account Balance" on the Dashboard, as in order to create a match program an administrator needs to verify that the corporate account has sufficient funds.
- Gifts
- All Sections - Provides access to all sections related to Gifts. When enabled, it automatically includes the permission to "View Account Balance" on the Dashboard, as in order to create a gift program an administrator needs to verify that the corporate account has sufficient funds.
- Employee Assistance Fund
- All Sections - Allows the user to access all parts of the Employee Assistance Fund section. Enabling this permission also includes access to "View Account Balance" on the Dashboard.
- Grants
- All Sections - Grants comprehensive access to all areas related to Corporate Grants. This permission also incorporates the ability to "View Account Balance" on the Dashboard, since the balance is displayed to the administrator before they send a grant.
- Spotlights
- All Sections - Provides full access to all sections related to Spotlights, which allows the administrator to highlight specific charities on the platform.
- Volunteer
- Hours - Grants permission to manage and view volunteer hours. This includes logging volunteer time and viewing summaries of volunteer hour submissions.
- Events - Allows the administrator to manage and access information about volunteer events, including planning, scheduling, and tracking participation.
- Transaction History
- All Sections - Provides access to all sections of Transaction History. This permission will automatically enable the "View Account Balance" on the Dashboard, as transaction history is directly linked to financial data. This also enables the ability to download a csv file of the transaction history.
- Settings
- All Sections - Grants the user permission to access and modify all system settings, enabling comprehensive control over system configurations, user permissions, and other administrative settings. Unless the administrator is an owner, they will not be able to manage other administrators.
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