How To: Add Funds from a Bank Account via Plaid

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Via funding sources

Step 1: Select “My Profile” on the bottom right of the app 

Step 2: Select “Funding Sources” in the menu options 

Step 3: Toggle to the “Bank Accounts” section 

Step 4: In the Bank Accounts section, click “Add” 

Step 5: Select “Continue” on the Plaid pop up. Groundswell utilizes Plaid to securely connect your bank account. 

Step 6: Complete the Plaid Set Up 

Step 7: Once you’ve added your bank via Plaid you are ready to go!  

Via the add funds button

Step 1: Select “Add Funds” from the home screen of your app  

Step 2: Select “One-Time Contribution”

Step 3: Select “Bank Account”

Step 4: Select “Continue” on the Plaid pop up. Groundswell utilizes Plaid to securely connect your bank account. 

Step 6: Complete the Plaid Set Up 

Step 7: Once you’ve added your bank via Plaid you are ready to go! 

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