How To: Create and Manage Donation Credits

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Donation Credit program set up

Step 1: Create and name the Donation Credit program

From the Credits page, select "Create a Donation Credit." Give the gift program a descriptive name.

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Step 2: Schedule

You can choose to send the donation credit immediately, or choose a date in the future. We recommend you add an expiration date to drive a sense of urgency for your employees to use their donation credit.

Also, if you set an expiration date and employees don’t use their donation credit before the expiration date then the donation credits will return back to the Company Giving Account/DAF.

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Step 3: Add recipients

At this step, you configure which employees you'd like to receive the credit. You can include all employees or specific ones. You can also choose how to treat any future employees added while the donation credit program is active.

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Step 4: Set donation credit amount

Enter the credit amount each employee will receive with this donation credit.

Note: donation credits can only be donated to match eligible organizations, if you didn't set up charity restrictions in Settings then all charities in Groundswell are considered "eligible" 

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Step 5: Review

Review the donation credit program details to ensure everything is correct. You can click back into the previous sections if any changes need to be made. Once you are content with the program details, you can select "Create donation credit program."

All employees who have already joined your giving program will receive these credits immediately. Those who have not yet activated their Groundswell accounts will receive this credit as soon as they activate.

As you complete these steps, the "Program overview" section to the right will update accordingly.

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Donation Credit program management

This donation credit program will now appear under the All and Active tabs on the Credits page. When you click on the donation credit program, you’ll be taken to a donation credit summary page where you can review details about the program. If necessary, this is also where you could edit the donation credit program name, add employees, or end the donation credit program.

Ending a credit program

Once a donation credit program is ended, employees who were included but have not yet activated their Groundswell accounts will not receive this credit.

These unused credit funds can be reallocated to your corporate account and can be used for other programs.

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