Sarah Hauke
How To: Request a Donation Match for Offline Donations
If you made a charitable donation outside (offline) of Groundswell, but you still want to receive the match from your employer, you can do so with a match request. For example, an offline match req...
How To: Add Funds with a Debit or Credit Card
How to Add Funds on the Groundswell Mobile App Step 1: Select “Add Funds” from the home screen of your app Step 2: Select “One-Time Contribution” Step 3: Select “Debit or Credit Card” Step 4: Ty...
How To: Add funds from payroll
Step 1: Select “My Profile” on the bottom right of the app Step 2: Select “Funding Sources” in the menu options Step 3: Make sure you toggle to the “Direct Deposit” section - there you will see a...
How To: Add Funds from a Bank Account via Plaid
Via funding sources Step 1: Select “My Profile” on the bottom right of the app Step 2: Select “Funding Sources” in the menu options Step 3: Toggle to the “Bank Accounts” section Step 4: In the B...
How To: Create a My.Foundation Page
Step 1: Select the Profile tab on the bottom right of the Groundswell mobile app Step 2: Select “Edit public profile” from the menu options Step 3: Create a custom URL for your new foundation pa...
How To: Create and Manage Donation Credits
Donation Credit program set up Step 1: Create and name the Donation Credit program From the Credits page, select "Create a Donation Credit." Give the gift program a descriptive name. Step 2: Sched...
Article: Types of Match Programs
Here are all the ways you can match your employee’s charitable giving in Groundswell. Some you can bundle together and others are stand alone programs. How you have configured your company match p...
Article: Your 2024 Tax Receipt
Groundswell's 2024 tax receipts will be emailed to you the last week of January 2025. This downloadable PDF receipt will include the total amount of funds that you contributed into your Groundswell...
Article: Helpful Tips For Finding Charities in Groundswell
Struggling to Find a Charity in Groundswell? Here’s Your Complete Guide to Help you Find the Charities you Care About Most! With over 1.5 million U.S.-based charities and 300,000 international char...
How To: Create a Campaign
Creating a campaign on Groundswell is an easy way to raise funds or encourage participation for a cause or initiative. Below is a step-by-step guide to navigate the "Create Campaign" page. Step...