How To: Set Up Company Pillars

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If your company has impact pillars, or a strategic focus to your social impact program that may relate to the ESG goals. With Groundswell, you have the opportunity to specify a set of pillars or focus areas during implementation that you can use in you charitable impact reporting.

Company pillars will be set up during implementation, if you didn't set this up during implementation but are interested in setting this up now, please reach out to Groundswell's Customer Support Team and someone can help you with this request. 

Charitable Impact Reporting

To view your company's charitable impact you will need to do the following:

  1. Login to your Groundswell Admin Portal
  2. From the Dashboard scroll down to the "Charitable Impact" section 
  3. Click "View total impact" next to the title

In the Charitable Impact dashboard, administrators may assign any charity to a company pillar. If your company is coming into Groundswell with a list of historical charity’s supported, we can assign that mapping as part of implementation.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 1.53.01 PM.png

Additionally, you can use those pillars as filters when viewing top organizations by both dollar amount and volunteer activity.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 1.52.40 PM.png

Volunteer Events

When an administrator is creating their own event or editing an employee created event, they can map that event and its related activity (hour volunteer hours) to a pillar.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 2.04.43 PM.png

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