How To: Enable Dividends in your Groundswell Account

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Accounts with a balance of $100 or greater and a monthly recurring contribution will be eligible to receive a dividend deposited on the first day of the month. For example, if you add $25 to your Groundswell account every month, and have a balance of $150, then you would be eligible.

Note: Dividend rates are subject to change at any time without notice.

To enable dividends on your account you can do the following:

Web App

Step 1: Login to your Groundswell Account

Step 2: Scroll to the "Take action" section of your dashboard

Step 3: Click "Earn up to 3.83% APY"

Step 4: Enable dividends for your account

Video Instructions:

Mobile App

Step 1: Login to your Groundswell Account

Step 2: Head to "Profile"

Step 3: Scroll down until you see  "Earn up to 3.83% APY on your Groundswell balance"

Step 4: Click "Learn more"

Step 5: Enable dividends for your account

Video Instructions:

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