How To: Create a Corporate Grant

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Scale your company’s impact by making grants. Use Groundswell to recommend grants from your Corporate DAF. If your company has specific focus areas for its impact program, grants can be directed towards causes and charities that fall within these focus areas. Grants can also be utilized alongside volunteer events to provide charity partners with additional support for their important work.

Step 1: Navigate to  Grants > Create grant



Step 2: Enter the charity’s 9 digit EIN

To search for the charity that will receive the grant, enter the charity’s EIN and click Find. If you need help finding the charity’s EIN, click on the link provided, or review the charity’s website which will often include the EIN.

Review the charity’s name and location. If this information looks accurate, click Next step.


Step 3: Add a charity contact, if known

You have the option to add a contact at the charity receiving the grant. This is helpful, but not required.


Step 4: Enter the grant amount

Step 5: Add a memo (optional)

You have the option to include a memo, which can help with record-keeping. If you input a memo, you also have the option for the selected charity to view the memo along with the grant.


Step 6: Review and create grant

As a last step, review all details about the grant. If everything looks correct, select Create grant. Once you create the grant, it will take 3-5 days for funds to reach the chosen charity.

After creating the grant, you’ll reach the Grants page and see a success message. From this page, you can review all grants.


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